Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chapter Six - "Bash that bottle and let's roll!"

From the bridge of the USS Seraph, the crew finished their pre-launch checks and everything was ready to get underway. Captain Angelica Ryder stood up from her command chair and announced to the crew present,

"Ladies and gentlemen, since we're all done... Captain Nora on the starbase has arranged a little launch ceremony for us, so... let's go!" Captain Ryder smiled and gestured to the turbolift. "Besides, the Admirals have our dedication plaque and they won't install it unless we go."

"How nice of them." Commander Whitman said with a chuckle. He had to admit, he hadn't felt so good in a long time. Captain Ryder's enthusiasm was infectious.

"We're still on a clock, so... this won't take long. Morale division has a party planned for when we're space borne, steal as much food as you can." Angel whispered "Takamura usually has sushi platters." she pulled a few small objects out of her pocket and showed them to Marcus "Transporter tags. I'm not letting good seafood get thrown into a replicator without a fight."

"Remind me never to never get between you and food." Marcus laughed as he followed her off the bridge.

"Just the sushi, I haven't had fresh sushi in at least a year. Replicated doesn't have the same flavor." Angel shrugged her shoulders and looked behind her, "I think our crew seems to be pretty well picked."

"They've exceeded estimates, bloody amazing. I think we need to keep as many of this lot as possible." Marcus commented and stood next to her as the turbolift doors opened and followed her through the docking port to the small reception area.

"I'm trusting you to pick and choose who you see fit to remain. After all, that's your job Commander. Oh by the way, thanks for the easy to follow reports on my desk. Keep it up."

"Thank you Captain."Marcus smiled broadly, he was surprised she noticed his reporting style. Not many commanders have ever taken the time to comment on it.

"Captain, Commander. You're all early." Admiral Takamura said with a smarmy grin ,"I trust you're anxious to begin your mission and your maiden voyage?"

"Ready as we'll ever be Admiral." Angel answered. She always wondered why Takamura seemed to take such an interest in her career, but she had her own ship finally, was not about to look that in the mouth.

"Excellent my girl." Takamura nodded his head and gestured to the observation window. "We're just waiting for your father to arrive."

"Too bad my mother couldn't be here." Angel smiled slightly, "But I'm glad my father is here, I always told him I'd get a command of my own someday."

"I know, I remember he wouldn't shut up about it when you were still in the Academy."Takamura smiled and chuckled, "So where is he anyway?" he looked toward the door.

"Right here." Admiral Nick Ryder said with a smirk, "Came in the back way. Like I would miss this for anything?" he smiled at his daughter and gave her a crisp salute "Captain."

"Admiral." she saluted back just as crisply.

"Commander." Nick looked at her XO, he was roughly the same age as her, but he could definitely see that there was still a lot of seasoning left for him, but he could also see that he had a lot of potential.

"Admiral. Pleasure to finally meet you." Marcus said as he saluted and extended his hand "I promise to keep your daughter and her ship safe."

"I know you will. And relax, not like you're dating her, I only give the 'I'll be watching you' speech to her boyfriends. Just remember your place Commander." Nick gave him a look, letting him know that his previous CO said he could sometimes over step his bounds.

"Yes sir." He nodded his head

"Now that we've got that over with, Angel... would you do the honors?" Admiral Takamura handed her the bottle of champagne. "I'm sorry, Captain Ryder."

"Of course." She noted the slip, but then again, she knew him since she was a small girl. To some of the older brass, she'll always be that little dark haired girl who played with her Sally and Sammy Starfleet dolls, pretending she was sending them on away missions, while her father conducted business. "I've always wanted to do this."

"We know." her father smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek, "I'm very proud of you." he gave her XO a wink "And you Commander. Just don't expect a kiss."

"Thank you sir." Marcus chuckled, "You do live up to the rep you've established. I can see why officers work their bloody arses off to work with you."

"Thanks. Now Angel... bash that bottle and let's roll! I know you're chomping at the bit to give your first 'engage' order." Admiral Ryder said with a laugh.

"Yes sir!" Captain Ryder nodded her head and placed the bottle into the launcher "With this, the USS Seraph will be officially christened and our lives will never be the same." she announced as she hit the button and sent the bottle floating through space, hitting the saucer section of the Seraph.

Applause erupted from the gathered crew of the Seraph and the crew of the Starbase who came to see their friend, their former ship commander and adopted sister embark on her new adventure. Captain Nora applauded the loudest, despite the tears in her eyes.

"Nora, are you crying?" Angel said as she walked over to her old friend.

"I always cry at these things." Nora wiped her eyes, "Now make us proud and when you get back I want to hear everything. And I insist that the first round is on me."

"Deal. I'm going to miss you guys, all of you." Captain Ryder said as she held Nora's hands and looked at the senior staff of the Starbase. "But I will be around in between missions, you can't get rid of me that easily."

"We're holdin' you to that." the grizzled Marine leader, Colonel Tom West said with a face that could barely be classified as a smile "Semper Fi." he saluted her.

"Ooh rah." Angel raised her hand "Keep the boys in line Colonel. They're a great lot."

"Will do Cap'n." West nodded his head and stepped back.

"Just don't come back with that beauty of a ship in pieces. Break my poor heart." Chief of Operations Commander Pete Westall said with a mock pout "You take good care of her."

"Just like I took care of the USS DePaul?" Angel smirked

"That's true you never brought the DePaul back in pieces... just don't start a new habit." he pointed his finger at her.

"Promise."Angel did the 'cross your heart' motion with her finger. "Well folks, I gotta get going, my crew's already heading back... with some of the food." she winked

"I had some of your favorites beamed to the Captain's mess." Nora said with a smile and extended her arms "Now give me a hug girl, I'm really proud of you. I'm sure you'll do amazing things."

"Thanks Nora." Angel said as she embraced her friend "I'll see everyone later." she tapped her commbadge. "Transport control." she glanced at her XO who stood next to her, "Two to beam directly to the bridge. Energize."

In a shimmer of blue light, the CO and XO of the Seraph were transported from the observation deck to the USS Seraph's bridge. Taking her seat as soon as she rematerialized, Captain Ryder tapped her arm rest.

"Attention all hands, we're getting underway. Helm, clear all moorings. Come about to Mark 238." She ordered.

"Aye sir." the helmsman replied "Moorings cleared, we're in open space."

"Full impulse until we clear the solar system, then I want Warp 7.5 until we hit the Cardassian Neutral Zone." she looked at he screen. "Engage."

"Full impulse engaged." the helm replied

"And so it begins." Angel said to Marcus, who gave her a smile and a nod.

Meanwhile on the Starbase, the crew and the two Admirals watched as the Seraph streaked away from the area.

"Godspeed Angel." Her father whispered and touched the glass. He knew that she was no longer his little girl, but a woman... a Captain. Making her own way in the universe, her own destiny.

Captain Nora walked up to Admiral Ryder and placed a hand on his shoulder. "She'll be back."

"I know she will be. She's a Ryder." He smiled "Now about that new ship..."

End Chapter Six